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Asset Management

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Asset Management

Asset management is essential for ensuring the longevity and performance of refrigeration and HVAC systems. An asset database provides a multitude of opportunities to plan strategies; from asset replacement to targeted energy reduction, F-Gas policies, and compliance. WAVE offer services that support clients in every area of this process.

WAVE can assist clients in developing strategies for managing their assets effectively. This can involve:

  • asset inventory (e.g., data capture, additions, and removals)
  • condition assessments (e.g., physical inspection and desktop analysis of existing data)
  • asset lifecycle planning (e.g., expected life cycle of assets and replacement strategies)
  • maintenance strategies (e.g., writing maintenance strategy specifications and overseeing existing maintenance performance)
  • performance optimisation (e.g., review and suggest areas of efficiency improvement for existing system both physical and controls based)

We can also help implement asset management systems and provide ongoing support.

One example of this service:

In 2019, one of our clients approached WAVE for support with Asset Database Integrity, specifically related to their logistic centres. The brief was to create Asset Data capture guides for all asset types allowing Regional Facilities Managers and specialists to record the correct, required information, in a set format. An additional part of the objective was to identify any single point failure assets and highlight business continuity risks.

The work covered all asset types from Refrigeration Compressor Packs to Bakery Ovens, Lifts and Mains Incoming Panels. As we became immersed within our clients existing database, we identified opportunities to streamline the asset type and naming criteria. This also allowed improved accuracy of captured information, consolidation of asset types.

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